Your resource for watercolor painting instruction from Fountain Studio
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All of the tips listed here are in PDF format. Click the desired title to download the file.
Abstracting from Nature
Creating-Regaining Whites/Lights
Framing Made Simple
Practicing Watercolor Brushwork
Use Value Contrasts Effectively
Composing with Color
Stylistic Influences
Basic Watercolor Supplies
Dominance thru Value-Intensity
Glazing/Layering in Watercolor
Sketch to Painting Paper-Enlarging
Using Stencils with Watercolor
Composing with Value & Intensity
Choosing a Palette of Colors
Edges - Hard, Soft and Lost
Using Stamps with Watercolor
Spacial Emphasis-Reference Photos
Watercolor Paint Characteristics
Explore Value Contrasts
Create 3D Form with Value Changes
Explore Sedimentary Pigments
Paint with a Limited Palette
Textural Effects for Watercolor
Basic Color Mixing for Watercolor
Contrasts in Content
Want something more in-depth than these short tips? Look in the
Watercolor Lessons and Exercises